external anchor - translation to ελληνικό
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Μετάφραση και ανάλυση λέξεων από την τεχνητή νοημοσύνη ChatGPT

Σε αυτήν τη σελίδα μπορείτε να λάβετε μια λεπτομερή ανάλυση μιας λέξης ή μιας φράσης, η οποία δημιουργήθηκε χρησιμοποιώντας το ChatGPT, την καλύτερη τεχνολογία τεχνητής νοημοσύνης μέχρι σήμερα:

  • πώς χρησιμοποιείται η λέξη
  • συχνότητα χρήσης
  • χρησιμοποιείται πιο συχνά στον προφορικό ή γραπτό λόγο
  • επιλογές μετάφρασης λέξεων
  • παραδείγματα χρήσης (πολλές φράσεις με μετάφραση)
  • ετυμολογία

external anchor - translation to ελληνικό

Wedge anchor; Expanding bolt; Concrete anchor; Anchor rod; Expansion bolt; Expansion anchor; Wall anchor; Fountain bolt; Bold-down bolt; Projection bolt; Chemical anchor; Bonded anchor; Adhesive anchor; Tapcon
  • A cast-in-place anchor bolt
  • A wedge anchor
  •  date = 1989}}</ref>
  •  date = 2010}}</ref>
  • Type of anchors<ref name="Doe-00" />
  • A bonded anchor
  • Plastic anchors

external anchor      
εξωτερική γωνία
boat anchor         
  • Knox Anchor
  • 6}} memorial, [[Canberra]], [[Australia]]
  • A Vulcan anchor, by Rocna Anchors
  • Holding ground in [[Akaroa Harbour]]
  • Anchors come in a wide variety of shapes, types, and sizes for different conditions, functions and vessels.
  • Memorial anchor in [[Kirjurinluoto]], [[Pori]], [[Finland]]
  • Colored plastic inserts on a modern anchor chain show the operator how much chain has been paid out. This knowledge is crucial in all anchoring methods.
  • Anchor of the Ladby Ship
  • An anchor pictured in the coat of arms of [[Mariehamn]], the capital city of [[Åland]]
  • Mantus anchor
  • Polarstern}}
  • Portsmouth]], Virginia
  • website=cruising.coastalboating.net}}</ref>
  • Spade anchor
  • The action of a stockless anchor being set
  • A stockless anchor being broken out
  • Thomas Brunton invented and patented in 1813 studded-link marine chain cable, which replaced hempen cables and is still in use.
  • Statue of [[Peter the Great]] in [[Voronezh]], Russia.  He is leaning on an anchor, symbolic of his contributions to modernizing and expanding Russia's navy (1860)
Anchors; ⚓; Kedge anchor; Maritime anchor; CQR; Anchor (Symbol); Boat anchor; Stock anchor; Danforth (anchor); Stream anchor; Danforth anchor; Mushroom anchor; Knox anchor; Fluke (anchor); CQR anchor; Anchoring; Holding ground; Bruce (anchor); Anchor symbol; Anchor (as Symbol); Herreshoff anchor
άγκυρα λέμβου, κερκέτης
stream anchor         
  • Knox Anchor
  • 6}} memorial, [[Canberra]], [[Australia]]
  • A Vulcan anchor, by Rocna Anchors
  • Holding ground in [[Akaroa Harbour]]
  • Anchors come in a wide variety of shapes, types, and sizes for different conditions, functions and vessels.
  • Memorial anchor in [[Kirjurinluoto]], [[Pori]], [[Finland]]
  • Colored plastic inserts on a modern anchor chain show the operator how much chain has been paid out. This knowledge is crucial in all anchoring methods.
  • Anchor of the Ladby Ship
  • An anchor pictured in the coat of arms of [[Mariehamn]], the capital city of [[Åland]]
  • Mantus anchor
  • Polarstern}}
  • Portsmouth]], Virginia
  • website=cruising.coastalboating.net}}</ref>
  • Spade anchor
  • The action of a stockless anchor being set
  • A stockless anchor being broken out
  • Thomas Brunton invented and patented in 1813 studded-link marine chain cable, which replaced hempen cables and is still in use.
  • Statue of [[Peter the Great]] in [[Voronezh]], Russia.  He is leaning on an anchor, symbolic of his contributions to modernizing and expanding Russia's navy (1860)
Anchors; ⚓; Kedge anchor; Maritime anchor; CQR; Anchor (Symbol); Boat anchor; Stock anchor; Danforth (anchor); Stream anchor; Danforth anchor; Mushroom anchor; Knox anchor; Fluke (anchor); CQR anchor; Anchoring; Holding ground; Bruce (anchor); Anchor symbol; Anchor (as Symbol); Herreshoff anchor
υπόπρυμνος άγκυρα


boat anchor
1. Like doorstop but more severe; implies that the offending hardware is irreversibly dead or useless. "That was a working motherboard once. One lightning strike later, instant boat anchor!" 2. A person who just takes up space. 3. Obsolete but still working hardware, especially when used of an old S100-bus hobbyist system; originally a term of annoyance, but became more and more affectionate as the hardware became more and more obsolete. [Jargon File]


Anchor bolt

Anchor bolts are used to connect structural and non-structural elements to concrete. The connection can be made by a variety of different components: anchor bolts (also named fasteners), steel plates, or stiffeners. Anchor bolts transfer different types of load: tension forces and shear forces.

A connection between structural elements can be represented by steel columns attached to a reinforced concrete foundation. A common case of a non-structural element attached to a structural one is the connection between a facade system and a reinforced concrete wall.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για external anchor
1. UserName Pass Sunday, August 28, 2005 print this page BUSINESS REPORT All News» » US central bank » UN report says EU accession talks to push Turkey‘s economic reforms further » Foreign direct investment covers only half of Turkey‘s estimated annual C/A deficit » UN report says EU talks to provide external anchor for domestic policy The UN body said EU talks will provide an external anchor for domestic policy, contributing to a further strengthening of investor confidence and a general improvement in expectations ÝSTANBUL – Turkish Daily News ARTICLE SUMMARYA U.N. body said the start of Turkey‘s scheduled accession talks with the European Union would push Turkey‘s ongoing economic reforms further.
2. UserName Pass Sunday, August 28, 2005 print this page BUSINESS REPORT All News» » US central bank » UN report says EU accession talks to push Turkey‘s economic reforms further » Foreign direct investment covers only half of Turkey‘s estimated annual C/A deficit » UN report says EU talks to provide external anchor for domestic policy The UN body says EU accession talks to push Turkeys economic and legislative reforms further, contributing to strength in investor confidence and a general improvement in expectations ISTANBUL Turkish Daily News ARTICLE SUMMARYA U.N. body said the start of Turkey‘s scheduled accession talks with the European Union would push Turkey‘s ongoing economic and legislative reforms further and create an external ARTICLE A U.N. body said the start of Turkey‘s scheduled accession talks with the European Union would push Turkey‘s ongoing economic and legislative reforms further and create an external anchor for domestic policy.
3. UserName Pass Sunday, August 28, 2005 print this page BUSINESS REPORT All News» » US central bank » UN report says EU accession talks to push Turkey‘s economic reforms further » Foreign direct investment covers only half of Turkey‘s estimated annual C/A deficit » UN report says EU talks to provide external anchor for domestic policy Analysts say foreign direct investments and privatizations in 2005 have exceeded all expectations Ragýp Erten ISTANBUL – Turkish Daily News ARTICLE SUMMARYAfter General Electric Consumer Finance agreed to buy 25.5 percent of private Garanti Bankasý for $1.566 billion, even pessimists on the economy whipped out their calculators and checked the ARTICLE After General Electric Consumer Finance agreed to buy 25.5 percent of private Garanti Bankasý for $1.566 billion, even pessimists on the economy whipped out their calculators and checked the amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) Turkey has managed to attract since the beginning of...
4. UserName Pass Sunday, August 28, 2005 print this page BUSINESS REPORT All News» » US central bank » UN report says EU accession talks to push Turkey‘s economic reforms further » Foreign direct investment covers only half of Turkey‘s estimated annual C/A deficit » UN report says EU talks to provide external anchor for domestic policy WASHINGTON – Reuters ARTICLE SUMMARYFederal Reserve policymakers can ease damage that higher oil prices inflict on economic growth by holding interest rates unexpectedly low, according to a Cleveland Fed study released this week, but ARTICLE Federal Reserve policymakers can ease damage that higher oil prices inflict on economic growth by holding interest rates unexpectedly low, according to a Cleveland Fed study released this week, but this trick will only work once.